Weekly Classes


This is a regular weekly class. It is a warm and welcoming class and a great place to try Biodanza for the first time. If it is your first time please come on the FIRST Wednesday of the month as this class is specifically designed for beginners, so if you would like to find out what it feels like to liberate yourself in the “vivencia”, letting the music inspire you, then put the date in your diary.
Wednesdays – 7.15 (for a 7.30 start) to 9.15pm. 

St. John the Divine Church Hall, Sovereign Gate,
18 – 20 Kew Road, Richmond, TW9 2NA
Richmond Station: nearest British Rail and Underground Station
See on map.

£12 (Concessions £10) For bank transfer payment:

“ Biodanza “,    NatWest Bank,   Acc. no 10262911    Sort Code 60 17 31  PLEASE ADD YOUR NAME AS A REF.

 THE LONDON SCHOOL OF BIODANZA is open for the 4th Cycle.

This is an opportunity for you if you wish to go more deeply into the amazing process of Biodanza.

For those who want to train as a facilitator or for anyone who would like to experience Biodanza more fully. The school weekends usually take place on the second Saturday & Sunday of each month. If you want to come as a regular dancer rather than for the training you are welcome to come for just one day or for the whole weekend. Check with me ruthstru@aol.com or 0786 7878043 for more information or visit the school website www.biodanza-londonschool.co.uk.

The times for each weekend are:-

1.00 to 7.30 pm on Saturdays

1.00 to 6.30pm on Sundays

(See www.biodanza-londonschool.co.uk for list of dates)
St. John the Divine Church Hall,
Sovereign Gate, 18 – 20 Kew Road, Richmond, TW9 2NA


See on map.